Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. rer. publ. Dr. h.c. mult.
Michael Martinek
Master of Comparative Jurisprudence (New York)
Honorary Professor of Law (Johannesburg)
Prof. Dr. Michael Anton

- Legal Degree
Admission to the LL.M. Program in Saarbrücken is open to:-
Foreign nationals of Member Countries of the European Union qualified to practice law in their home country
or - Foreign or German nationals who have successfully graduated from a course of legal study at a foreign university. This course of study must be comparable and equivalent to the German legal education (Licence, Maîtrise, Bachelor of Laws, Laurea etc.). The LL.M. Program is not open to German nationals who have - successfully or unsuccessfully - sat for the German State Examination (Staatsexamen)
Foreign nationals of Member Countries of the European Union qualified to practice law in their home country
Language Proficiency
Applicants whose first language is not German must have adequate German language abilities. Required is a German language profiency corresponding level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Apllicants should verify their language abilities by presenting a language certificate. For applicants who have acquired the DEUG in Saarbrücken, a language test is not required. -
Applicants for admission to the LL.M. Program must provided the following materials...- a formal letter of application requesting admission to the Master of Laws Program,
- a curriculum vitae with a current photograph (passport size)
- a copy of their Law Diploma as the basis of eligibility for the Master of Laws Program in Saarbrücken
Admission to the Master of Laws Program also includes registration as a student at the University of the Saarland.
Students must register with the Student Registration Office (Studierendensekretariat).
The following materials must be submitted to that Registration Office:
The following materials must be submitted to that Registration Office:
Authorization to attend the University of the Saarland
You will receive a document stating your being admitted to attend the University of the Saarland. This letter of registration must be presented once again to the Registration Office upon arrival in Saarbrücken. -
Law Diploma
Students must present their law diploma - if possible in the original. -
Health Insurance
Students must show that they are insured against illness during their stay in Saar- brücken. If their present health insurance does not cover medical care in Germany, they must conclude a new insurance policy for coverage in Germany, otherwise they will not be registered. If their present insurance includes medical coverage in Germany, proper proof must be shown for exemption from the obligation to conclude a student insurance policy. - Social Contribution
Social Contribution: At the time of registration a changing contribution to the students' union is to be paid. Amount and transaction information. This amount includes the fee for a Semester Ticket. With the Semester Ticket students can use the whole network of transportation within the Saarland free of charge. - Annual contribution
An annual contribution of EUR 1000,-- (EUR 500,- per semester) will be charged.